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Publications of Vadim Pospelov

Vadim Pospelov has written various articles in the field of oncology. He also holds 15+ patents for innovations in the field of genetics and cellular research.

Z. Z. Safiullov, A. Izmailov, V. A. Markosyan, A. E. Khomyakov, N. V. Boychuk, M. V. Nigmetzyanova, A. R. Siraeva, S. S. Targachev, V. V. Valiullin, R. R. Islamov, V. I. Pospelov

Sechenov Medical Journal -2024

Alisa Petkevich, Aleksandr Abramov, Vadim Pospelov 

Exosomes - Recent Advances From Bench to Bedside


Alisa Petkevich, Aleksandr Abramov, Vadim Pospelov
Liver Cancer - Genesis, Progression and Metastasis, 2022

M.V. Tikhonova, D.V. Litvinov, A.I. Karachunskii, V.I. Pospelov, A.G. Rumiantsev

Onkopediatrics, 2018

M.V. Tikhonova, D.V. Litvinov, A.I. Karachunskii, V.I. Pospelov, A.G. Rumiantsev

Onkopediatrics, 2018

Exosomes as a Component of the Body's Regulation System

A.A. Abramov, V.I. Pospelov, A.V. Korutskii, S.A. Rumiantsev, A.G. Rumiantsev

Onkogenetics, September 2018, p. 122-146

Irina N. Mikhailova, Irina Zh. Shubina, George Z. Chkadua, Natalia N. Petenko, Lidia F. Morozova, Olga S. Burova, Robert Sh. Beabelashvili, Kermen A. Parsunkova, Natalia V. Balatskaia, Dmitrii K. Chebanov, Vadim I. Pospelov, Valeria V. Nazarova, Anastasia S. Vihrova, Evgeny A. Cheremushkin, Alvina A. Molodyk, Mikhail V. Kiselevsky and Lev V. Demidov

Oncotarget, 2018, Vol. 9, (Nr. 36), p. 24381-24190

Application of Microrobotengineering in Medicine

G.V. Savrasov, V.I. Pospelov

"Biomedical Technologies and Radioelectrics”, 2001, Nr.9, p. 33-37

G.V. Savrasov, R.M. Saripov, V.I. Pospelov

​"Medical-Technical Technologies in Health Protection ('MEDTECH-2001'): Collection of Reports from the 3rd Scientific and Technical Conference, Antalya, September 30 - October 7, 2001 / Bauman Moscow State Technical University. - Moscow, 2001. - P. 108."

Universal Microrobotsystems for intraluminal Application

V.I. Pospelov

Headnote at the 11th scientific-technical conference "Extreme Robotics" 20. - 22. April 2000,  St. Petersburg.

Medical Microrobotssystems for intraluminar Application

G.V. Savrasov, O.S. Naraikin

U.S. lushchenko, S.S. Gavriushin, V.I. Pospelov

Headnote of the Lecutre, September 2000, Gelendshik

Savrasov G. V., Naraikin O. S., Gavryushin S. S., Yushchenko A. S., Voynov V. V., Pospelov V. I., Potaptsiev I. S., Pivovarov V. N.

Biomedical Technologies and Radioelectronics - 2006. - No. 11. - P. 44-48

G.V. Savrasov, P.M. Zaripov, V.I. Pospelov

Headnote of the lecture at the 3rd scientific-technical conference "Medical-technical technologies for health protection" 30. September - 7. October, Antalya

Development Status and Major Directons of Development in Medical Robotics

G.V. Savrasov, O.S. Naraikin, A.S. lushchenko,
A.F. Batanov, V.I. Pospelov

Lecture at the 10. scientific-technical conference "Extreme Robotics" 
13. - 15. April 1999. St. Petersburg

Medical Microrobotsystem for Intravascular Operations

V.I. Pospelov
Lecture at the 10. scientific-technical conference "Extreme Robotics" 
13. - 15. April 1999, St. Petersburg

Microrobotsystem for Intravascular Operations

G.V. Savrasov, O.S. Naraikin, A.S. lushchenko, V.I. Pospelov
Headnote of the Lecture at the Conference  "Medical Technologies of the 21 Centrury ", 25. June 1999, Moscow State Technical University

Major Directions of Development in Medical Robotics

G.V. Savrasov, O.S. Naraikin, A.S. lushchenko, A.F. Batanov, V.I. Pospelov

Headnote of the Lectures 26. September - 2. October 1999 Gelendshik

Microrobot for Intravascular Diagnostics and Surgery

G.V. Savrasov, O.S. Naraikin, A.S. Iushchenko, V.I. Pospelov
IARP, "Microrobot-Workshop", 24. - 25. November 1999, Moscow

Microrobotsystems for Intavascular Operations and Diagnostics

G.V. Savrasov, A.S. lushchenko, V.I. Pospelov

Lecture at the 9.  scientific-technical conference "Extreme Robotics" 

13. - 16. April 1998, St. Petersburg

Intravascular Microrobotsystems

G.V. Savrasov, A.S. lushchenko, O.S. Naraikin, S.S. Gavriushin, V.I. Pospelov

Headnote of the lecture at the 3rd scientific-technical conference "Medical-technical technologies for health protection" 30. September - 7. October, Antalya

Medical Robotics: Conditions, Problems and Basic Principles of the Project Realisation

G.V. Savrasov, V.I. Pospelov
Edition of the State Technical Universitry Moscow "Biomedical Engineering and Technology", 1998, p. 35-50

Microrobotsystems for Early Detection and Intravascular Surgery

O.S. Naraikin, G.V. Savrasov, A.S. lushchenko, V.I. Pospelov

4. ECPD, Moscow, 1998

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